I was a user of Fecebook earlier than this but that will be for a different blog entirely about my horror with Fecebook specifically and also yet another blog about every so called social media, actually antisocial media and social engineering media. It was about 4 years of trying and failing to connect with people from high school. This is something that I noticed which will be also mentioned in a different post.
And what I not iced is that people do not not ice that there is life outside of their little towns. They think that their little town is the only town on the planet. No body else is any where else. They believe that they live in The Great Valley while any thing else is The Mysterious Beyond. They do not like any body that is out in The Mysterious Beyond be cause of two reasons:
1. These Minstrels disguised as sports. You compete with a not her team: The Enemy. Their fan base is supposed to be local people only. Other people in the audience, as well as the other teams, are subconsciously considered to be dangerous people be cause of the rivalry. This even happens at Universities, pitting entire "rival" states against each other.
2. What cartoons like to make the audience convinced that there is Stranger Danger. One example is the original He-Man and She-Ra, and to a lesser extent BraveStarr. They keep saying "If anybody touches you in a bad way, be sure to go to your parents, doctors, teachers, police, ministers, and rabbis" ignoring the reality that criminals know their victims and are VERY close to them and / or are in positions of authority.
And it gets even worse: These people never go out in The Mysterious Beyond. In other words they stay in The Great Valley. I did not. I left The Great Valley. I have no regrets leaving The Great Valley, but I noticed that nobody else left The Great Valley. They stayed in The Great Valley while I am exploring The Mysterious Beyond. To make matters even worse is that they do not ever want to leave for a moment nor even talk to people who left The Mysterious Beyond. Also, I have stopped talking to ANY BODY from the past and try to keep them in the past. Additionally, I avoid negative energy entirely. It is also very difficult to get to know new people.
People like to spend their adult hood being addicted to drugs, sex, and video games (a few of many examples) instead of doing the important things they did or tried to do in school. The reason why many people joined Fecebook is be cause of video games, which were unavailable on that other irrelevant web site. Fecebooks first 6 or 7 years did not have very many people. That other web site was still very relevant and people did not see the the need to reinvent the wheel (even though the original is Blog Spot.) However, when video games appeared and also increased on Fecebook, more people joined Fecebook to play the video games.
There is very little interaction with other people on Fecebook. But I noticed that many people I was friends with on that other site did not add me nor accept my friend request on Fecebook. If they do not want to add me on Fecebook, they should delete me on that other site ... which I my self deleted them on that other site later.
And so that goes back to Spark. Spark thought it was funny (and actually it is very immature) to routinely delete my add requests and reply publicly but intirectly (His settings are public.) with song lyrics. He also did the same thing on his profile from That Other Site which for some reason he did not delete me. He stopped replying to my messages and instead posted song lyrics. These lyrics sounded threatening. such as "Show Your Teeth" and "He's Going To Wake Up In A Smoothie!".
I decided that I had enough of attempting to add him and so I blocked him, but I only remember blocking him on Fecebook. My final message to him before blocking him is "Be Happy. I Just Gave Up." I suppose I eventually unblocked him, and also perhaps I checked That Other Web Site. I not ice that he is suffering from reverse psychology, and so his song lyrics changed to apologetic ranging from "Don't Turn Your Back On The Wolf Pack! You Might End Up In A Body Bag!" to the lyrics of Bruises By Chair Lift, Yellow by Cold Play, and that Curious George song "Who's To Say What's Impossible, Well They For Got That The World Is Spinning."
I ended up participating in this nonsense and posted a song lyrics my self, from "So Much Better" by Rahim Quazi. It had no meaning; It was simply a new song I discovered and love. However, I did want to post "Dirty Hands" by Black Lips specifically "I'm Wearing Leather. And I Really Think It's Cool." while directing this towards Spark. A Not Her song that I liked and posted lyrics was from "Sell Me This" by The Shuffle Demons, with the lyrics "I Bought A Thousand Use Less Things And Took Them All To The Dump, Took The Soul Of The Earth To Make The Economy Jump. I Don't Care If We Are Headed Straight For Disaster. I Just Want To Get My Junk Food Faster.".
I do not know what happened, but it seems as if we are thinking of the same thing.
Back To The Web Log Community Web Site, he had posted on Fecebook "I miss the old days. ... [blah blah whatever ... and some more words I do not remember.]" but he is saying I am going back to The Web Log Site.
And when he did, by that time the web site had devolved from a Subscribe Subscribe Back function just as most other platforms use (even the site discussed in Part III) to also including a Friends List. He accepted every request including mine!
That was interesting.
And about one week after that (or perhaps it was one day after that) I sent him a friend request on Fecebook, and he accepted it!
But I don't think it was worth it.
I mentioned Spark be cause Spark is a perfect example of people that instead of communicating directly to some body, they will post song lyrics. It is better if they communicate directly. Instead, they want to be sneaky as you can not prove any meaning behind song lyrics.
Spark is certainly not the only person that does that.
A Pesky Neighbour wanted me to be "friends" which makes me think that nosey, pesky people are wanting to "be friends" be cause they are afraid of you. They will try to get you to entertain them so their emotions calm down. They do not like you but demand that you be loyal to them. He hesitated when I asked him to be friends on That Other Site, did not like Fecebook for what ever reason. At the same time, I went from GMAIL ONLY to instead wanting every body I met to be friends on Fecebook, and thinking that is sufficient communication where there is actually none. He went away to jail, but since he is Caucasian he immediately went to The Halfway House To Get Some Jesus. During that time, he refused to be friends and before you knew it, here we are again seemingly going back and forth posting song lyrics. I had included "So Much Better" by Rahim Quazi just as I did with Spark. Since it was a public post, and also proving that people should not post Song Lyrics as an alternative to direct communication, this seemed to confuse Spark. Pesky Neighbour seemed upset by the song lyrics, as these Halfway House People think they are suffering. Many people even say it is Rehab (!) Actually, it is A Slap On The Wrist be cause he along with his brother, both of them have been in and out of Halfway Houses their entire lives, and still are. They completely understand that The Criminal Justice System will never punish them.
None of these people matter now. And I hope that especially that Pesky Neighbour never bothers me again especially.
Now on to the rest of my Time Line (Pun Hopefully Not Intended) and also a post about the stupid beliefs of people. ...
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