Monday, October 15, 2018

Before It Began Part Two Of Five:

Now that I have been dragged into riding The Band Wagon:

Here is an example of a web site. It is irrelevant, but it is similar to Blog Spot.

I was taking Driver's Education. Most students were either going to be Sophomores or Juniors. I was going to be a Junior and a few others were also going to be Juniors. There were about a dozen of us. The other 87 class mates were going to be Sophomores.

We were in Driver's Ed class. I will Nick Name one of my class mates Spark. One of his friends was there also. I will Nick Name him Brady. Be cause we were of different graduating classes. (I was going to graduate one year before they did.) This means that unless I be came very close friends with Spark and perhaps Brady also, I would not

I got the attention of Spark, A Star Athlete, be cause during the summer the air conditioners were on a timer. Our class was not over when the air conditioners shut off. I had borrowed an oscillating stand fan with plastic blades (not very powerful fan) but despite it not being powerful, some girls from his class did not like it. They stole the fan from me.

Also, I walked in an adjacent class room with A Band Geek I Will Nick Name Purse, currently empty, wondering if we could successfully turn on an air conditioner.

Later, Spark wanted to introduce him self to me, by him self (Class Introductions were not required.), in front of Purse, and the rest of the class. But Purse did not let me be cause HE did not like Spark. Unfortunately I listened to Purse. Listening to Purse and also being bossed around by Purse is one of my many regrets. I spent more time with Purse thus not any time at all with Spark. Our friendship (Spark) would not have lasted into today, but it would have lasted much longer than Purse.

Since I obeyed Purse any other time, this means I obeyed Purse when Spark introduced himself and stuck out his hand. I did not shake Spark's hand. Spark said "What's the big deal?! It's just a hand shake. Brady, shake my hand?!" Brady shook Spark's hand. When a teacher entered the class room, Spark remembered when Purse and my self were looking at a thermostat in the adjacent class room, but only told on Purse! Brady and The rest of the class (Spark's other friends no doubt) laughed as they sympathized with Spark when Purse interfered with the introduction between Spark and my self.

Despite the damaged friend ship with Spark, being intimidated by Purse to not be friend Spark, and Spark being a different Graduating Class, and me not being able to concentrate on any sport (and unfortunately spending even more time with Purse, Strings, Wallet, Cards, Spare Change, Box, Vault, and other similar people. I suppose I will give my self a Nick Name: Safe.) That means I rarely saw Spark after that.

But I was able to get him to sign my school shirts and my school year books, and I subscribed to him on an Irrelevant Web Log Community Web Site.

And this is when he began to post the song lyrics. I do not remember which song lyrics they are. I am not sure if I have archived it my self. And I doubt that any Way Back Machines have any Snap Shots of his page. It is deleted now, I do not remember the lyrics. I can not possibly tell which song it is from. But the song was about finding new love or some thing. The comments from his friends were asking about "Who's the girl?" But his reply said "There's no girl.". It is unlikely that it was about a girl be cause he would probably tell her, or perhaps he was joking.

Still wondering why Spark is important? Why am I mentioning Spark? Find out more in Part Three!

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