Things were accomplished with out Fecebook. All of those postings that I told you about were on different platforms, not Fecebook. We were talking on the telephone, and also we gmailed which means we could have continued to Gmail each other. I should have asked him about Fecebook, or if he wanted me to rejoin Fecebook, he could have asked. But since he did not ask, I should not have rejoined.
I left Fecebook when it was a very strict place with too many rules and regulations and restrictions. I think it is best to use Google Products such as Gmail, Blog Spot, and You Tube. It does what it is needed with out having to jump through hoops or some part of some Fraternity Initiation. There is no need to Reinvent The Wheel. With "Social Media", especially Fecebook, is a very expensive wheel designed to wear out.
When I returned to Fecebook 16 months later, in only 16 months they added even more to its toxic, hostile environment. AND now you can not message people with out being on their friends list.
When I was on Fecebook for the first time, I was on the friends list of Drew. At that time, he had only one Fecebook account. I did remember a second Fecebook account be cause his regular account was hacked. It was posting Fake iPad contests. I commented "T.B.H.: Your Profile Is Posting Fake iPads." He clicked The Thumbs Up, The Like Button on my comment to him. He made the other account later, but seemed to abandon it after he restored his original account. I did not worry about it until after I rejoined Fecebook he has at least FOUR accounts. Two of the accounts show activity on it. I wanted to add him on every account, and I thought that he would add me to each one of them. One of my gmails was about wanting him to add me on Fecebook, but he only sent a request from one Fecebook. To make things more upsetting, He did not add me with the original account he had previously.
When I had enough of Fecebook and deleted it, I gave up friend connections of friends lists from people I will never be connected to on Fecebook ever again. I understood and accepted my decision. However, I was not prepared for some body to ask for help, especially from a role model that suddenly be came critically depressed. It's all most as if I was dragged back to Fecebook on purpose by Drew. It is possible that Drew, The First Guy, and The Second Guy got to get her and plotted and schemed to get me to return to Fecebook so that they can continue their bullying.
I thought that Drew is not interested in such things. I thought such immature behavious was beneath him. I did not think he would have Multiple Personalities ... I Mean Multiple Profiles. I thought I could simply send a friend request even for no important reason (or for no reason) and he would accept it ... and even better if Drew had only one profile. But I was afraid to send him any requests for the other accounts. I was convinced that he would either not accept it or not answer it. I do not understand the need for multiple profiles with multiple friends lists. Drew is actually not the only person that has multiple profiles. ALMOST EVERY BODY THAT HAS IS ON FECEBOOK, HAS MORE THAN ONE PROFILE.
I was able to reconnect on Fecebook with several people that were before. I was delighted be cause at the time I would want to reconnect with people from The Great Valley if they were not toxic. The ones that I thought mattered accepted me, but at the same time, they had at least two accounts. Fecebook does not have billions of people with an account. Fecebook has 975 million people with duplicate accounts.
I am usually too busy to feel up set that people spend so much time on their Fecebooks, that I really have no friends. I can have no friends if people won't put down their mobile devices.
Even more heart break is that The First Guy and The Second Guy won. I do not want to have any thing to do with either of them. I no longer want to be on their friends lists. But I thought that if I ever rejoined Fecebook, I would at least have Drew, a role model, and be able to message him about a simple request (not just friend requests) but if I need some thing, such as FIX MY HOUSE, I would be able to talk to him about it.
I gmailed every thing I could think of about My House.
I did not say much to him after that. There were a few mentionings in messages I sent with Fecebook also. There was a time where he injured him self. He had shot his foot with a nail gun at his job. A nail went almost though his foot! but got stuck! The angle of the camera with his foot looks like he is missing toes. You have to magnify the image to see that one toe is hiding behind his big toe. You can barely see it. The other toe, the "Pinkie" toe, is on the side of his foot be cause his feet are built somewhat unusual. His Pinkie Toes are on the sides of his feet. It is unlikely he has lumpy feet with slightly different colours. That lump with a different colour is a Pinkie Toe.
The second picture, showing his foot with the nail pulled out of it, bleeding away, and the gauze covering some of his toes. The gauze is covered in blood, suggesting that he lost his toes one way or a not her.
I should have called him, but I was nervous.
Also, I should have called him the moment that he called me. My excuse that time is that I did not want to bother him at work, and was not sure exactly when his work schedule is. I did not expect his telephone call, and I CERTAINLY DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO NOT KNOW WHAT A VOICE MAIL BOX IS. WHEN YOU HEAR A BEEP, LEAVE A MESSAGE!!
This dilemma is so annoying, that I wish I had called him. If he called today, I would answer.
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