Blog Spot, or perhaps it is Blogger, offers a place to easily type words and even post pictures.
As for videos, there is You Tube.
You can also post audio to You Tube, but I think you need to convert it into a .mp4 If You Tube is not sufficient, perhaps there is Sound Cloud.
As for messaging people, there is Gmail.
People like to reinvent the wheel. You can only reinvent the wheel so many times:
There is The Bogie invented circa 1804.
There is The Caterpillar invented circa 1877.
There is The Tire (The Tyre) invented circa 1888.
There is The Maglev invented circa 1902.
You can only reinvent the wheel so many ways.
Google offers The Bogie, The Caterpillar, The Tyre, and The Maglev.
The Bogie, The Caterpillar, The Tyre, and The Maglev are very useful.
But The Square wheel, The Pointy Wheel, The Flat Wheel, and The Sharp Wheel, are examples of ineffective wheels. But people still use them and it makes every thing very difficult. It also makes socializing impossible.
You have various platforms with privacy settings. But with Gmail (my word for any email service) is supposed to be private. If you want to talk to some body, you can simply keep it between you and them. If you want to "Share" some thing with a group of people, "Tag" them by pasting their gmail addresses in the Blind Carbon Copy. You can also set up your address book and your folders (or labels) and filters, but people prefer not to bother with this. It can still be done and it is also very private. Messages should all ways stay private. Unfortunately, people have no actual social skills which means that I am writing a biography to warn others not to misbehave around me.
People like to have platforms with privacy settings. They foolishly believe that these privacy settings keep every thing private. I am going to type this in many posts: People believe in stupid morals from cartoons such as from He-Man, She-Ra, and to a lesser extent BraveStarr of "Stranger Danger" with the words of "If any body touches you in a bad way, go to your parents, doctors, police, teachers, ministers, and rabbis" instead of the reality that the people committing crimes are the ones that know the victim, They do not care about the reality. People like to live in fantasy. The users of these other platforms with "Privacy Settings" restrict viewing by "The Boogey Man" that they believe exists but the foolish people look the other way when the owners, designers, and maintainers of the web servers have complete access to every thing on that website. They will also share (pun not intended) with their "friends" which are other web companies. And even your "friends" have other friends. I think you would know by now that you cannot keep a secret with people. They have other friends that they trust. As a result, your secret is "safe" with these other people also. Before you know it, what you post might be viral, even if it was private. If you delete the original, other people all ready have copies.
I will never post any thing on The Internet that I would not want in a News Paper. I will never post any thing that I am not ashamed of. I will never post any thing that I might lose control of. I believe that a friend and even family member is a stranger that you let too close to you. When I post some thing to The Internet, the audience can be ANY BODY. Blog Spot and You Tube have public settings by default. These are places where people are proud of their highlights from their lives and wish these moments to outlive them. Blog Spot and You Tube are the best ways to post them.
But other stupid people also like to have platforms with Friend Lists. I do not use The Internet to keep track of friends. I also do not restrict the audience to just friends. If I want to do that, I will use Gmail's Blind Carbon Copy. Remember that your friends on your friends lists also have friends. I also do not understand people with multiple accounts so they have multiple friends lists. They feel like posting words or pictures to this group of people, but this words and pictures should be for these people, and as for these words and pictures can be provided to both groups of people. Of course none of this makes any sense. It sounds like a large amount of time is needed which I have none. This reminds me of that King Of The Hill episode.
( John Redcorn)I don't need this crap.
Also annoying is that people think they are gods on these platforms. Many people have god complexes. This is also one of the reasons why there are so many dogs. Also, dog is god spelled backwards. These people with god complexes love to have dogs be cause it makes these people think they are important. These "social" platforms also make them feel that they are important. They like to spew things they know nothing about by "sharing" (spamming) things that they know nothing about but they believe that this website agrees with how they feel at the moment. If you have even a tiny amount difference of opinion, they will want to punish you and curse you to internal dam nation. Basically these "social" platforms are BULLYING platforms.
Even more annoying is that these platforms require SMS Verification. This means that you need to have a cell phone with cell phone bill. And there are platforms that begin only available for iPhone and Android smartphones only, not even tablets. (And never mind that my spare BlackBerry charger is powering my Samsung Android Smart Phone when the Samsung Android or perhaps Third Party charger does not charge it.) Despite Google basically making smart phones, they are not concerned with people using Desktop Computers and Notebook Computers be cause Google is also an Internet Service Provider.
Google has been around long before any thing else, and it has what you need. It does not have the unnecessary things I mentioned. John Redcorn doesn't need that crap and neither do I.
None of that matters to other people. If I want to message some body, it should be done with this annoying "social" site or video games when gmail is perfectly sufficient.
But it is not.
I will explain in Part II.
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