Any thing wrong with this picture?! You probably hate him. You probably hate any man that looks similar to him. But those are opinions and you must keep your opinions away from me, prefer to your self. What does matter is that this is a healthy man.
Even though there is nothing wrong with his body, he modified this picture before he reposted it. Here is the modified version:
If he has any issues with the original picture, why did he take it to begin with?! Why not just crop it or put his hand or arm in front of him?!
I did not crop this picture. See it in this example:
and here:
This picture appeared in both formats here:
And here:
Also, here are a few others:
And Finally:
A few things that I must comment about: Many of his pictures he changes them. By changing them, he ruins them. One thing that he does is that he changes the colour settings. A not her thing that he does is he flips the pictures. I would normally Restore the pictures, but he inserted words in one of them. I have reasons to believe that Drew is trolling me.
I have typed it before, and I will type it again:
He knows that I need help with 2 Man Jobs such as Fix My House. And he also has no right to say that his perfect physique is so out of shape, he requires a Work Out Buddy?!
That picture it self has also irked me. I am drawing it also, but what irked me is that he is taunting me with these simple requests that I ask of him.
And now for even more comments:
If you have not not iced, he does not show his Belly Button when the pictures imply a male audience. This is what he usually does.
And as always, he tries to have duplicate profiles. One shows his Belly Button, while the rest of the posts have the updated picture with it removed from the picture. When he compiled two main pictures where he shows almost his entire upper body, except for his Belly Button, it suggests that his wishes are "I Do Not Mind At All If People Look At Me, Except For My Belly Button."
When ever he hides his Belly Button, not ice the correct amount of Ab Muscles. Almost every other man, even Native African man, seems to be missing two Abs. He has the correct amount of Abs. Additionally,. he has a long Abdomen. Additionally, his Belly Button is located directly below Ab 5 & Ab 6. Whenever he hides it by cropping, it looks like he has no Belly Button. If he really does not want people to look at his Belly Button. He could do various things to hide it and make it look like he does not have one. Some examples are wearing over sized shorts with perhaps over sized underwear under his pants. Pull the shorts up slightly to hide it. Another method is to squish it just like in that picture with those annoying words. And for pictures, there are numerous camera angles that makes it appear that there is no Belly Button. And another method is to put your arm firmly on top of it, and then slide your arm down while stretching your back. As long as your arm is not visible in the camera (and Belly Button not visible either) it looks like there is no Belly Button.
If I were that man with the exact configuration of Abs, I would probably hide my Belly Button to make it appear that I do not have any Belly Button in an attempt to fool foolish people that do not know that there is supposed to be 8 abs, not 6. And no, I was not counting his Chest.
So why did the cropped picture Irk me?
It is be cause there is nothing wrong with his Belly Button. His Belly Button has stretch marks. His Belly Button looks like an Ab. Belly Buttons are supposed to look like Abs. This is why I like when Belly Buttons look like Abs.
Society is very ignorant about Belly Buttons. They do not not ice that your physique determines the shape of your Belly Button. If there is no room for your Abs, there is no room for your Belly Button!
If I were to type a search "Innie Belly Buttons Are Gross", I guarantee that the search results will be auto corrected to "Showing Results For OUTIE Belly Buttons Are Gross.". These people who force their opinions assume that "Over 90% Of The World Has Innies.".
But the more you exercise, and the less your body fat percentage, your Belly Button either becomes an Outie or dissolves slightly. Either way, there is no depth.
This is what usually happens.
With My Self? I went from obese to now ALMOST looking just as he does. There is no more depth and Before you know it will be an Outie or dissolve.
Except in the case of "Brix Fitness".
Sorry, Brix Fitness: Your Belly Button Is Among The Most Disgusting Belly Button Ever Existed; Perhaps Brix Fitness's Belly Button IS The Most Disgusting Belly Button Ever Existed.
And so Drew, this other guy that has the perfect Belly Button should appreciate its perfection since Belly Buttons are often very disgusting, especially with Brix Fitness.
I am also going to end up annoying Khalil Underwood but I must comment about his Abs. When Khalil Underwood had Abs, (and he had NINE Abs, NOT counting his Belly Button!) he had no issue showing his Belly Button. I assume he liked the shape of his round, Ab-Shaped Belly Button. When he "Lost His Abs", he stopped showing his Belly Button. I assume that he not iced the change of shape, and does not like the change of shape. However, when he lost most of his Belly Fat, he began to show his Belly Button again as it had started to return to its round Ab Shape.
Sorry, Khalil. I Just HAD To Post This!
Trying Again.
Better Now?
If you count his Abs there are Four Abs on his right side, Five Abs on his left side, and his Ab Shaped Belly Button. Nine Abs Total. Ten Abs if you count his Belly Button. And no I was not counting his Chest.
So that is what Khalil Underwood looked like. Here is a more recent picture, after losing most of his Belly Fat, but not being Chiseled yet. (and won't be Chiseled ever again if he keeps up with the Gluttony.)
Much more recent picture. See his tattoo?
I included that recent picture to show what I am typing about: He has lost most of his Belly Fat to the point that his Belly Button resumes its Round Ab Shape, but not quite to the point where his Abs are visible all the time. All 9 (or 10) of them.
Also you can not research Belly Buttons. Searching for images is not recommended. Usually "Abs" is a sufficient term. It seems that people are fetish about body parts. For example, the King Of The Hill episode required an awkward sized feet Peggy Hill to not ice that people were mocking her feet by making them be covered in Manure, Blood, or some other similar disgusting things. I also watched a video from Some Name Less Hispanics about them bragging about having sex with their Belly Buttons. I guess this is some thing that some people like to do. These Hispanics were of Caucasian biology, with one Native African biology also in the video. He remained silent during all of these comments.
If people actually become erotic about Belly Buttons, this explains why men must always tuck their shirts in, especially when playing Sport, at least in U.S.A.. Most sports require men to have long tucked in shirts with women usually able to wear half shirts. The only exception is Basketball, where both genders require tucked in shirts. Generally, men are forbidden from showing their Belly Buttons. This was not all ways forbidden. One example seems to be from the original Sleepaway Camp film. In 1983, males could take their shirts off, wear half shirts, and either case show their Belly Buttons.
A not her reason why many people hate Belly Buttons is be cause they are afraid of every thing. These people protest and drag every body else with them.
I am not bothered if a man usually does not want to show his belly button yet is other wise not shy. How ever, when you hide it, you look silly. You look worse with no Belly Button. There are only two men that do not look silly if they have no Belly Button:
1. Drew.
2. The Tool Show.
But if there is nothing wrong with your Belly Button but you want to hide it, you would look silly, just like Chris Top Her:
and this:
But there is nothing wrong with it:
That is exactly how it is supposed to be shaped!
When body building, strength training, dieting, exercising, I include the Belly Button with the results. My goal has all ways been The Round Ab Shape.
No way am I ever going to express this especially since I have had enough of people, that I will blog about it.
And also draw the pictures:
He posted the picture and is happy, but you can not ever be certain with people. He probably wishes that I never drew it, and is angry.
I also have his copy of the drawing:
It looks like he printed a copy of it and then rescanned it before uploading it. You can tell be cause of the border lines have changed. My original border lines show that the scan was crooked. I love Brother Colour Laser Printers, and they do have flat bed scanners attached to most of them. I do not yet have this huge printer. I only have the regular Colour Laser Printer be cause I was tricked into getting The Add On Tray. It was available bundled for the regular Colour Laer Printer, but not the Scanner And Fax Colour Laser Printer. At the time I did not know that they sell the add on tray separately, and can be added to any of the Brother Colour Laser Printers, including the Fax & Scanner Colour Laser Printer. My next printer is going to be the Fax & Scanner Colour Laser Printer with a separate purchase for a not her Add On Tray. This means I will have two Brother Colour Laser Printers. Both with Add On Trays, one Colour Laser Printer with Fax, Scanner, and Document Feeder.
Brother does not have any mid range scanners. They do not have any flat bed scanners by them selves. They only have the high end scanners as mentioned, and Portable Document Feeders. I have a Brother Portable Document Feeder, which scans every thing crooked. AND there is a line down the middle of it.
I will rescan this drawing and post it on one of my blogs. I am also going to copy this over and over again so I can colour it many different types of art supplies. He has dark brown skin in this picture despite being the same pencil. The other versions of this drawing will have multiple Colours, including actual Brown Skin.
I paid attention to every detail. This includes his Belly Button. Most people would not draw a Belly Button ever, and if they did, it would not have every detail. I have all ready typed this but here it is again: It is very important for me to look exactly like this man, or as similar health which includes appearance, and also including the Round Ab Shape Belly Button.
I do more than just draw. I exercise also.
I apologize to every body I mentioned in this post. But get ready Khalil Underwood. I am drawing Khalil also!
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