I watched the video from The Second Guy and I did not know it is only a spoof. I watched more videos from The Second Guy and again I could not stop laughing. I also not iced that he talked in his real voice in the second video I decided to watch. In the video that is on The First Guy's "Funny" Play List, The Second Guy talked in an impersonated voice. Also The Second Guy did the voice of the "Director" in the spoof. Each time, he sounds so convincingly different he makes Mel Blanc sound as an Amateur.
Both of these guys seem friendly (but so do common politicians!) and I interacted with both of them. They like to read comments and messages. I was wondering what would happen if I ever wanted to work with them in future, so I asked many careful questions to find how real or fake they are. We got along for a while, but despite their requests for criticism, they did not like it. The biggest issues with them is that they are disorganized. This is especially true with The Second Guy be cause he had made many different fictional characters (starring him self) as well as Serials, but never finished any of them. He is also a very talented Saxophone Musician, but basically gave it up. He is also a capable singer.
There were some videos that he made severely Irked me that I decided that I do not want to speak to him during the entire months of when those videos were released. I told The Second Guy that I do not talk to him nor want to be bothered during the entire month of February and the entire month of November as well as every Sunday, Every Wednesday, The 9th of every month, Friday The 13ths, and the 20th of every month. (I have since expanded it to include Fridays, Saturdays, and EVERY 13th, ... basically I seclude my self as much as possible except for most Mondays, most Tuesdays, and most Thursdays.)
He still did not like it, and posted a few things. One of the things I used to do was take his videos that he made for Fecebook and post them to where they would get a larger audience: You Tube.
One of the videos is very interesting: It is short, about the same length as a Vine. He is happy and with lines to the effect of "I'm Coolin' My Nigga. Let's Get Going My Nigga. Where The Hoes At?" ... [Time Card] "ONE MONTH LATER" ... "Bitch Found A New Man??" [Begins Tearful Wimpering]
He also released a Serial. When he published it, which was in November and began my Vow Of Silence, he still made a group and tagged me with the words "Post Your Criticism Here." However, I still maintained my Vow Of Silence during the entire month.
Even more interesting is that on December 1, I commented on one of his You Tube video comment section, with his typed response saying:
"You're Alive!"
It seems like we got along well for a few months.
As for Drew: I had not forgotten about Drew. Actually I should have only considered Drew as a Role Model, and not The First Guy and The Second Guy. Drew has his own variety of talents. Drew is interested in sparring, dancing, singing, pranking, drawing, swimming, cliff diving, playing sports, physique updates, and back flips. HE ALSO KNOWS HOW TO BUILD HOUSES.
Unfortunately, Drew is not a You Tube personality. Most people start You Tube but give up, even after they be come successful. Khalil Underwood is one of many examples.
The ones such as The First Guy and The Second Guy are most active on You Tube, but are cyber bullies.
When February of the next year happened, I wanted to be silent again for that entire month, but The Second Guy did not respect my wishes and messaged me saying "Hello." It was all most 3 weeks into February. Unfortunately I replied to that message. If I did not reply to that message, My life and Drew's life would be much less pain full. I should have expanded and extended my Vow Of Silence to not be about communicating with The Second Guy. It should have been a complete Vow Of Silence which meant signing out of Fecebook during that entire month. If I was left in peace, I would have remained calm.
But with Fecebook Users preaching to their loyal following with their God Complexes, I ended up bothered by his annoying opinions about things. Simply asking him to stop resulted in even more Cyber Bullying. The sympathy toward others (such as promoting Celibacy in one of his videos) is nowhere near genuine. It is not simply Put Downs, he has threatened me with violence multiple times. The only thing I could think of doing was to block him.
After all, he kept pressuring me to keep "sharing" his videos and other posts, as well as letting him spam my profile page with his new releases. Those that don't do it often enough risk being deleted off of his Fecebook friends list. One of MANY problems with Fecebook is the friends list limit of 5,000 people. He gripes about not being able to add other You Tube personalities he recently met. As a result, he demands that people delete him before he deletes them.
I have tried to organize his various jumble of videos into play lists (There are dozens of variety.) for him, among many other things to help him, but he is a reason why I should not be helping any body. I am so tired of helping people yet no body ever does any thing when ever I need help.
Also, why should I constantly spam people with a bunch of mediocre videos, some of which contain threats towards other You Tube personalities. He is passing off making threats off as comedy?!
If You Put Lip Stick On A Pig, It Is Still A Pig?!
I ought to mention his name, but I do not want to give him any free publicity. I have done plenty of that by spreading his videos from one web site to a not her web site. But I am not even using their Nick Names! I am only mentioning "The First Guy" and "The Second Guy" based on chronological order. I really should not be typing any of this. I am trying to limit these posts to mainly be about the annoyance it is to ask people to help me do things such as FIX MY HOUSE ... But these people are too busy spewing away on "Social Media". One of the things that they spew is when THEY are asking people for help.
One of the series of videos that The Second Guy did is criticizing the idiot postings on Fecebook. He is a hypocrite, be cause for some body that criticizes things posted on Fecebook, HE HIM SELF POSTS MANY THINGS ON FEECE BOOK. Some of these things aren't just the threats, or "Beefs", but are images such as graphic nudity (nudity and violence mixed to get her) which got his account suspended several times. Unfortunately, he was never banned.
At the same time, both The First Guy and The Second Guy continued to post things that I could not Stomach. I do not see what is so comedic about people literally being ripped apart as if they were made of paper.
The First Guy responded by saying "Bro. To Be Honest I Don't Care. Bye." and then he blocked me. It was not the first time that blocked me the very moment I began to say any comment that was not praise. This time, I blocked the rest of his profiles. I sent him a gmail telling him that I blocked all of his profiles since he blocked me on one of the web sites. I am not some body that runs and hides. I have all ways wanted to, and now I tell people exactly the types of people they are if I have the opportunity. I do not like being misled so at least I will not mislead people. He said nothing, but found a web site I for got to block him on, and followed me on it. Perhaps I should go back and block him on that web site also.
The Second Guy is worse than The First Guy. He spewed some things that are depressing, not funny. I commented, of which his God Complex Of Fecebook activated, and decided to punish me with more cyber bullying and more threats. He and some other people got into Street Fights and was off line for a while.
I blocked him. I could not think of what to say nor what to do. I thought blocking him would be the best thing to do. It is certainly better than keeping every thing bottled up. Be cause of Fecebook's 5,000 Friend Limit, it guilted me into trying to add him again, but he let more people in to his friends list.
That Was The Final Straw.
I had enough of Fecebook. Fecebook is filled with comments about news articles made by people that were not even there. I know that the purpose of U.S.A. is to spew hate, but if I was not there, I am not going to determine if some body deserved to die. Most people think that Trayvon Martin deserved to die be cause he was a "Born Thug".
I all ready typed the other reasons in my other blog posts.
When you add all of the reasons to get her, I decided to delete Fecebook.
However, it would be many months until my Fecebook was finally deleted. And it took some more personal tragedies that I had to resolve to force my self to delete Fecebook.
Around the same time I attempted to Delete Fecebook, I watched a video about Khalil Underwood for the first time. When Flappy Bird was ported to a vintage computer, I searched about Flappy Bird and quickly found Khalil Underwood's video about it. Eventually I would watch the rest of his channel,
Unfortunately, Khalil Underwood did not make many more videos after that. Instead, he launched a not her You Tube Channel with his Dream Woman, Corie Rayvonn (the rest of her name is left out be cause she probably does not want me typing about her)
I have not much against Corie Rayvonn, but when they started to make videos to get her, an unfortunate side effect of Khalil Underwood's videos is that you no longer get to see Khalil Underwood impersonating girls any more. In practically no time at all, the rest of his antics went away as well.
And to make the videos even worse, they are now surrounded by "their children" which are dogs.
Look ... If You Believe That Black Lives Matter, Create Them?!
Instead, they play House with dogs as if it was a laughing matter.
I have only been an occasional follower of Khalil Underwood for a very long time. To find out why, go to my Unauthorized Biography: http://www.KhalilUnderwoodUnauthorizedBiography.BlogSpot.com/
When my Fecebook account was deleted, I was expecting to never get to know any body ever again. I also did not watch any You Tube videos be cause it took me a long time to be come a fan of Khalil Underwood.
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